GIP Italy was jointly established by two leading IP firms, Bugnion (Italy) and Shinjyu GLOBAL IP (Japan), in 2017.

The corporate purpose is to be the partner that supports companies’ business and innovation in Europe, from technical, legal and administrative aspects, and to provide IP consulting and training services, especially for Japanese companies.

Experienced European patent attorneys from Bugnion have extensive knowledge and expertise that cover a broad scope of European IP-related procedures, including patent prosecution and oppositions before the EPO.

Japanese patent attorneys and IP professionals from Shinjyu GLOBAL IP have had years of experience cooperating with and supporting Japanese companies to obtain various IP rights in Europe, both before EPO and in different national offices.

At GIP Italy, via the close cooperation between Bugnion and Shinjyu GLOBAL IP that combines the respective strengths and know-how’s, we strive to support and strengthen Japanese companies’ European IP prosecution, opposition, litigation, IP strategy planning and development for R&D centre based in Europe, and IP training for in-house personnel.

GIP Italy はヨーロッパ特許事務所のBugnionと日本特許事務所の新樹グローバル・アイピー特許業務法人によって2017年に創立されました。その目的はヨーロッパにおける日本企業の知財活動のパートナーとなることです。



GIP Italyでは、この両者が緊密に連携し、日本企業の欧州における知的財産権の取得、異議申立、訴訟、日本企業の欧州拠点における知財戦略立案、知財教育などの活動を支援します。

Address : Viale Lancetti n. 17 20158 Milan Italy